How to add “Radio” or “Drop Down” Field Types to Pods for WordPress
On 15, Sep 2023 | No Comments | In Blog | By Reggie Lloyd-Jones

Pods is a powerful tool for building custom post types in WordPress. If you’re anything like me you may be wondering how you can add a list of options to select from that will then be displayed on the front end of your site.
Unfortunately at first glance the Pods builder doesn’t seem to have anything like this.

The secret is to click on the “Relationship” Field type. (Not the most intuitive place to put this if you ask me.)
Now instead of populating your radio fields with other data from your site, you can select “Simple” to enter a list of items you’d like to display as radio or drop down options.

Each line will be new item in your select box and you can also separate your display text from the value that’s stored in the backend by using the pipe character like: value|Label
That’s it! You can choose how the list will show up by going to the Relationship Options tab and selecting “Radio Buttons” as the Input Type.

Drop a comment if you found this helpful and let me know if it worked for you! 🙂
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